Welcome to Dottenfelderhof
Our website provides information on agriculture, manufacturing and commercialisation, the farm school Dottenfelderhof e.V. (registered association) and on our research and breeding department.
Dottenfelderhof is situated north of Frankfurt between Bad Vilbel and Dortelweil in proximity of the river Nidda. Since 1968, the Dottenfelderhof community has been managing the 190ha agriculture area under the strict rules of Demeter
In arable farming grain, potatoes, carrots, beets, flax, clover and alfalfa can be found in the fields in diverse crop rotation.
Fruit groves and field garden develop a variety of berries, pome- and stone fruits, salads and vegetables. Carrots, apples and quinces are pressed to our juices.
Around 43 hectares of grassland are available for our 80 dairy cows and their calves. Many animal species such as chicken, pigs, sheep, geese, bees and horses join them.
The Agriculture School Dottenfelderhof provides education of biodynamic agriculture. Basic and advanced courses take place every year in January and February. They get enhanced by an intensive academic year which starts every September.
In our research and breeding department, agriculture operations and farm school work together on the fundamentals of agriculture. One focus is the breeding of biodynamic seeds.